Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated on 23 April 2024

1. General:

  1. Saasfence (Adelante LTD) cares for its customers and ends-customers' privacy. Before using the Management Tool, carefully read the Privacy Policy detailed in this document (hereinafter: "Privacy Policy"), which will apply to our Services.

  2. The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use, which are available on the website (hereinafter: "Terms of Use"), and the Terms of Use apply to the Privacy Policy. Terms of Use definitions apply over this Privacy Policy.

  3. This Privacy Policy specifies our Management Tools procedures while using the information that you will provide.

  4. The law that applies this Privacy Policy is Israeli law. The Privacy Policy is subject to the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981 (hereinafter: "Privacy Protection Law").

2. Consent:

  1. Once you approved our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you have given us the permission to collect and use, per the provisions of this Privacy Policy, information transferred or received from you or during your use of the Platforms and Access Means.

  2. You are not obligated to confirm our access to your and your end customers' information, but if our access to the said information will be prevented, we will not be able to provide the Management Tools services.

  3. Note that information transmitted through the Management Tool may be visible to the Platform and other third parties selected and contracted by you who will use the information, per their own privacy policies, and you release us from any liability of this matter.

  4. We are not a party to any of your agreement or consent to use the Platforms.

3. Collection of information:

  1. The information that we may collect is any User Information that you have allowed us to access by our use of Access Means. The customer has the exclusive responsibility to prevent us from accessing classified information that the customer requires and/or does not want, for any reason, that we will use.

  2. After the Management Tools processes the information, we delete and do not retain any personal User Information that allows the characterization or identification of private individuals.

  3. We may collect information regarding browsing habits on the Site and/or the activities in the Management Tools and/or the Platforms, as Internet address (cookies), cookies, usage patterns, tracking and photographing mobility, time and date stamps, and more.

  4. We may collect statistical information that is not personally identifiable relevant to activities performed in the Management Tool:
    - The time the latest ticket was received.
    - The number of tickets we've solved for you.
    - The ID of the latest ticket we've received from you.
    - The email address and the name of the contact person who installed the app.
    - The company name.

4. Use of information:

  1. This section will detail the use of information that we do while operating the Management Tools. We will not use or disclose any personal information, but as specified in this Privacy Policy.

  2. Our use of the information may include the following purposes: (1) processing messages that include User Information into Processed Information; (2) making information accessible to you; (3) contacting you; (4) Retention of correspondence, conversations, and communications made with you; (5) research, data analysis and statistics; (6) personalization and improvement of Services; (7) Compliance with the law, clarification of complaints, legal proceedings, suspicion of fraud, or misconduct.

  3. Mailing - we may call you and provide you advertising information that we believe may be of your interest. The advertising information will be transmitted via e-mails, push notifications, Israeli-Post, telephone calls, or other relevant means of communication. You may instruct us at any time to stop e-mailing you by sending an e-mail to

  4. It is clarified that as soon information is obtained from us, per the Privacy Policy provisions, we will not be responsible for its use, and there will be no validity to any claim regarding that matter.

5. Saving the information:

  1. Information received and collected per the provisions of section 3 above will be stored in our databases and/or with information storage subcontractors.

  2. We implement acceptable and reasonable information security procedures for protecting information in our possession. Therefore, we may even request to update the Access Means you provide us.

  3. You need to provide us the Access Means as required for the Management Tools to contact the Platforms. We will save the Access Means as long as they are needed to maintain the service operational.

  4. Note that we cannot guarantee that all User Information and Management Tools are immune from third parties' unauthorized access. Accordingly, we will not be liable for any damage caused to you or a third party that is not a result of Adelante's direct negligence, if caused as a result of information theft, alteration, or improper use of the information during the Management Tool's activity.

6. Information sharing:

We may share information with third parties without obtaining your further consent in the following cases:

  1. Disclose information to a third party who is your End Customer, employee, or other, per your written or behavior approval.

  2. Disclosing information as required by law, court order, a competent authority, or legal proceedings in which we are or may be involved.

  3. Rights transfer of the Management Tools to a third party, not including any customer data unless explicitly approved by the customer.

7. Our Affiliates:

  1. Our Management Tools and Services need the support of information storage services, research, analysis, and statistics, in order to improve your experience of them. Therefore, we may share information with suppliers and subcontractors that provide these kinds of services (hereinafter: "Affiliates"). You can see an updated list of our sub-processors here:

  2. Our Affiliates must comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. They are prohibited from sharing the User Information with any other third party, and they may not use the information themselves without obtaining express consent from us.

  3. Upon termination of the Affiliates services to us, they are required, inter alia, to return to us any relevant information they obtain from us or the User, and if instructed to do so, to delete all said information.

8. Your Choices About Your Information:

You may request at any time, per a reasonable period between different requests:

  1. Update your Management Tools account login settings.

  2. Review and Update your User Information.

  3. Unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking on the “unsubscribe link” provided in our communications with you.

9. Assign of rights

We may assign or transfer the rights and obligations under this Privacy Policy, including transferring the information to any third party without any restriction, except from The User's competitor or any other party that is not subject to EU, Israeli or US law. The said third party would be obligated to confirm in writing its obligation to comply with this Privacy Policy’s provisions per the law.

10. Your Information Access

You may request information concerning you, which is in our possession, as well as request its deletion and/or correction. In order to exercise this right, please send an e-mail to, and detail your identity and indicate your explicit request.

11. Privacy Policy Changes

Adelante may modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please review it periodically. We may provide you additional forms of notice of modifications or updates as appropriate under the circumstances. Your continued use of Adelante or the Service after any modification to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such modification.

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